Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Problem Solving Essay Topics List and What You Should Do Today

Brief Article Teaches You the Ins and Outs of Problem Solving Essay Topics List and What You Should Do Today All you need to do is tell the writer what kind of an essay that you want to have and the deadline. All you will need is a simple topic. As you proceed through different topics, this format will arrive in handy as you brainstorm the thoughts and structure of the essay. Let's take a quick glance at some of the most fascinating problem solution essay topics for students that will assist you in writing an essay. Let's talk about the simple issue and solution essay ideas. The involvement essays money in solution and the way it can alter the face of our nation. Mental wellness care Sadly, many people with mental illnesses aren't getting the treatment they require. Future results of the problem can be applied as leverage for the call to action. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, along with make sure you are getting the very best service our company may deliver. The new year gives one a whole lot of chances to research different essays and the ways how they are sometimes written. One of the most important challenges which you will face in your early college years is the gluttony of essays which are going to be assigned in a variety of courses. During the duration of your academic car eer, whether at school or university, you'll almost certainly have to write a minumum of one problem solution essay. A problem solution essay seems to be something which not only college students may get assigned. The Do's and Don'ts of Problem Solving Essay Topics List There are even ideas on driving and transportation so you'll be able to detect something which you're able to write about. How to stop drunk driving and deaths because of it You have the chance to earn a difference by means of your essay. Self-driving cars reduce the danger of automobile accidents. There are a lot of problems, even on your own campus, that have to be resolved. A solution essay presents an issue, describes what the writer thinks is the very best solution to the issue, and then supports her or his selection of solution. Write a problem solution essay about exactly what you should do. Then you need to enlist solutions to fix the issue. When you're ready with the problem on your hands, you mus t think over the ideal solution. To fix a problem through writing isn't as simple as it sounds. Once you get your problem, you will need to speak about it a small bit and persuade the reader's opinion that the problem should be resolved. Problem is a question which requires solution. Put simply, locate a situation which will deal with some social, cultural, or historical matter. If you own a topic provided already, click the order now button to file your request. No matter your case might be, ensure each of the body paragraphs analyzes a distinct element of your topic. The main reason is there are basically only two main things you will have to write about in your problem and solution essay, making it so much simpler to research info and structure the paper. All About Problem Solving Essay Topics List Sometimes you receive the problem and you've got to state the difficulties. Should you look around, you are going to observe social troubles that affect society daily. You merely need a couple of problems as remember you don't have a lot of time and you will need to spell out the difficulties. Another significant problem is the development of internet fraud and hacking. Thus, you've got to be quite careful whilst recommending the ideas. Therefore, before getting down to finalizing a topic that interests you, below are some guidelines you want to bear in mind. Persist with the plan which you have chosen. The plan you've got for solving the issue must be strong.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Taken Hostage - 967 Words

Iranian Hostage Crisis The relationship between the American people and their government drastically changed in the 1970s. The people began to distrust their government after The Watergate Scandal, oil prices, and the falling economy. President Jimmy Carter, elected in 1976 was seen by the public as an honest man that was working for the people not for the evils of Washington DC. Carter, being an outsider, grew very popular with the American people. His lack of insider perspective became troublesome when he could not explain his clear motives and direction he was taking America. This not only caused tension within his own administration, but also caused the American people to regain the feeling of mistrust they once felt with Nixon†¦show more content†¦The media had a direct effect on America’s view of the hostage situation. Americans were unaware of the growing power of Islamic forces in Iran and that President Carter was at their mercy and unable to negotiate for freedom of the hostages i n fear of losing control over American interests in the Persian Gulf. The media was very influential in the rising disapproval of Carter. Everyday Americans were reminded that the hostages were still being held because of Carters unsuccessful attempts at freeing them. Farber also writes about the media in Iran. Controlled by Russia, Iran media was loaded with anti-American propaganda that only fueled Iranians hatred towards the American government. Farber deeply discussed the American and Iranian reactions to the crisis. Americans started to pay more and more attention to the news media. The longer the hostages were held, the more people disapproved of Carter. Americans hung yellow ribbons everywhere throughout the country to show support of the hostages. Iranian students at U.S. universities held protests at schools and outside of the White House demanding for the return of the Shah as well as requesting the freeze on Iranian assets to be released. Farber describes the Iranian students plan for the hostage. What turned into a 444-day hostage was meant to only be a three-day sit-in. However with PresidentShow MoreRelatedTaken Hostage Essay1264 Words   |  6 PagesHistory 137 Abilities Based Assignment: Think Piece Taken Hostage On David Farbers book Taken Hostage, Farber informs us about the Iran Hostage Crisis and Americas First Encounter with Radical Islam. This book tells us how the United States and Iran got into conflict, leading to the Iranians holding American Embassy members hostage as revenge for them feeling betrayed by the United States. It also informs us about other events that occurred in a decade that caused the United States manyRead MoreAnalysis Of Taken Hostage By David Farber1350 Words   |  6 PagesNovember 4, 1979, seizure of the United States embassy in Tehran and the hostage of four hundred and forty-four days following, were the first steps leading up to the perpetual War on Terror. In the book Taken Hostage by David Farber informs about the Iran Hostage Crisis and the First Encounter with Radical Islam. United States and Iran got into conflict, leading to the Iranians holding American Embassy members hostage as revenge for them feeling betrayed by the United States. It also in forms usRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Taken Hostage By David Farber2240 Words   |  9 PagesIranian students took over the U.S Embassy in Tehran and took people hostage. Over the course of the 444 days the hostages where held captive while the people of the United States voted for a new president to help lead them into a new direction. The people voted for Ronald Reagan. While he was president things didn’t go as he planned as well. The issues with Iran did not calm down and escalated to something bigger. After the Iran hostage crisis, the US had another issues with Iran and it was the Iran-Read MoreTaken Hostage By David Farber1083 Words   |  5 Pagesthis was going on, the media caught the attention of the American people on the story of the sixty six hostages that were captured in Tehran. Soon that became the center of attention. Both in Iran and America, people focused on what would happen and especially how President Jimmy Carter would respond. In his book, Taken H ostage, David Farber closely examines the events that led up to the hostage crisis. He informs us of America’s first encounter with radical Islam and what had caused the conflictRead MoreFamous Incidents in US History841 Words   |  3 Pagesovercome the hard trials that are placed in front of them and then there are those who unfortunately fall victim to a horrible situation. Over the past couple of decades there have been a number of incidents that have occurred where incidents have taken a turn for the worse. While some people claim that this is occurring because of horrible decision making and others disagreeing and claiming it to be best decision that could be made. Regardless of one’s point of view, it is very clear that over theRead MoreStockholm Syndrome : A Psychological Phenomenon1312 Words   |  6 Pagesoriginally identified in 1973, is an often cited psychological condition that may pertain to some people who have been kidnapped. defines S tockholm Syndrome as â€Å"feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor†. As a result, victims sympathize and defend their abuser or kidnapper. Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that has been analyzed in professional articles by various scholars, but is it real? High-profileRead MoreWhat Events Affect Your Life Has Shaped You Into The Person You Are Today?1223 Words   |  5 Pageswas going. That same night, my aunt drove my sister and me to my grandma s house. Among the lights, noise, and reporters stood a long-bearded man at the end of the hallway; it was my father. He did not look the way I remembered. He had been held hostage in the uninhabited jungle for two months that seemed more like two years. In the jungle, Colombian abductors hold their victims neither with chains nor with ropes, but with the fear of their armament. These organizations communicate with gunshotsRead MoreJohn Q Kohlberg735 Words   |  3 Pagesrelease Michael, leading Denise to tell John to do something. Unwilling to let his child die, John walks into the hospital ER with a  handgun, gathers hostages, and sets demands: his sons name on the recipient list as soon as possible. The hostage negotiator, Lt. Frank Grimes stands down to let John cool off. Meanwhile, John and the 11 hostages communicate and learn more about each other. They begin to understand Johns situation and support him a little as he ensures each of them receive the treatmentRead MoreTerrorism and its effects on children Essay1292 Words   |  6 Pagesemotion. The introduction to this experiment was very intriguing. â€Å"On September 1, 2004, armed multinational terrorists (Chechens, Ingush) took hostage about 1,200 children and adults in School Number 1 in the Russian town of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania). The terrorists kept the school under siege for 3 days, during which all hostages were denied water, food, and medication. Hundreds of them were jammed into the school gym, where the heat was unbearable. In these conditions, manyRead More Analysis of a Story in the Newspaper1864 Words   |  8 Pagesnewspapers in the 21st century is not only ‘referential’, ‘ entertainment has become equally important in the battle to win readers’(P.262). In this paper, a piece of news was taken from WiseNews for analysis. It was an event occupied a large coverage in newspaper and caught lots of public attention – The Manila Hostage Incident. I would like to see how journalist presents the story to their readers through looking at its structure and the use of language. Information Flow In reporting the news

Monday, December 9, 2019

What goes up, must come down Try me. free essay sample

When I was 8 years old, I thought I was the stealthiest child who ever lived- climbing up the winding, extended braches of the plum tree in my backyard, doing flips and seeing the world go upside down and back again on the bars on the playground, and flying over the smooth ground on my bicycle were all things I could do with perpetual grace and balance. I constantly felt as if I were soaring whenever I wasn’t touching the floor, it was something I always felt very sure of. Though I was fairly clumsy when I was actually on the ground, tripping and making a quick recovery became an artful skill that did not bother me at all. It was on a perfect sunny day that I was riding my bike and decided to challenge my father to a race around our cul-de-sac and back to our house at the end of the street. We will write a custom essay sample on What goes up, must come down? Try me. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the race began I felt on top of the world on my mountain bike, the world rushing past me as a blur too fast for me to notice the details anywhere except for the end of the road where my eyes were focused and I would soon be turning. However, there at the end was something I would have never expected, a BMW Beamer- perfect and pristine- directly in my path. At that point I had the option to continue straight into that beautiful automobile or veer right and crash into a brick wall. I opted for the wall. As soon as my front tire crashed into the wall my body was propelled forward and my head slammed directly into the brick right before the rest of my body crumpled to the ground. With scraped elbows and knees bleeding, I slowly stood on my feet and rose from the ground, rubbing my throbbing head. Every part of me ached, but I didn’t want to stay on the ground; it was not an option; I needed to get up. Head pulsing, I denied my dad’s pleading offers to carry me and walke d home. The moment I crashed my bicycle my confidence struck a low blow, yet I faced what seemed painful in order to get what I needed. I could have let my dad carry me and taken the easy way out, but I wanted to persevere through the struggle and reach the end because of my own efforts, not someone else completely carrying me. Just as it was my own two feet that carried me back to my house that day, it is my hard work that has carried me through school and will continue to propel me through college. Even after I hit the brick walls in life, I have made a personal promise to myself to get off the ground where it would be easier- and less painful- to lie, and instead, I will continue my journey with the same assurance that eventually I will reach the end goal.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Second World War in U.S. History

Introduction Studies on the Second World War have yielded varied perspectives; according to Erdelja, â€Å"there is no other experience that was more crucial to the development of the U.S. and Europe in the 20th century than the Second World War† (Erdelja, 2009, p. 1). The war marked the struggle for social and political freedom for the entire world.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Second World War in U.S. History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The consequences of the war were characterized by chaos, which broke human bonds, destroyed homes and communities, and uprooted foundations of societies. From today’s perspective, World War II was more than the series of battles and diplomatic negotiations, which are widely studied today (Royal Air Force 94). This paper will discuss the World War II in the light of the U.S. history. The paper will describe the role that the war played in shaping th e U.S. government and its policies. The lessons learned due to the U.S. engaging in the war are also highlighted. World War II and U.S. History World War II was the most gruesome epoch ever in the U.S. history. It was characterized by struggles, deaths of many citizens, financial constrains, damaged property and many other challenges in the country. The number of deaths between 1939 and 1945 was estimated to be more than 55 million. The war began on September 1, 1939 when Poland was invaded by Germany. It spread out to the entire world with almost 50 countries taking part in the war and men and women fighting in almost every part of the world. After the war became rampant, Americans became divided on whether to participate or to stay out of it completely. However, their hopes and desires were for their allies to win the war while they remained calm and isolated from the war. While some wished the U.S. could avoid the war at all costs, there was a group of interventionists that deman ded the government to do all it could within its power to help the allies of U.S.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It was then that the government changed its policy from being neutral on issues related to the war into being prepared through expanding its military forces and later proceeded to support its allies. The president then made the U.S. to be an arsenal supplier; the U.S. started by supplying war materials to its allies (Teachers Guide 1). World War II was a turning point to the lives of Americans and in the history of the U.S. In 1944, the three great allies came together to invade Germany. In the pacific, the Americans drove the Japanese forces back. The devastating bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki followed in August 1945; this made Japanese government to surrender (The Choices Program 4). Impact of the Second World War II to the U.S.A World War II had an unalterabl e impact on the US history and in our present life. The period was characterized by a vast number of families lost through the death of young men and women, those who became crippled, mass deportation, conflicts in cultures, religions, confusion and outright fears. Although the war was away from United States, it had a huge impact on the American society. Undeniable, it was a gruesome time in history and the many incidences from the war presented numerous lessons to be learnt. To start with, its leaders transformed U.S. to be an arsenal and produced vast numbers of war materials. Prior to the involvement in war, its economic sectors such as industries and agriculture had been mobilized to support factories which manufactured weapons. America’s business had become larger with its federal government expanding its power (Ayers, Gould and Oshinsky 766). The war brought about a 10% shift of Americans to war production centers. Japanese-Americans were evicted from their homes and w ere incarnated to relocation centers whilst the African Americans demanded full citizenship. More women were employed into the armed forces and in the factories which were manufacturing weapons (Ayers, Gould and Oshinsky 766). The World War II cost the U.S. approximately $304 billion. The U.S. obtained this money through deficit spending, lending and selling of war bonds. Its debt is said to have skyrocketed from $49 billion to $259 billion in 1945, which remained unsettled until 1970 (Schug 142).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Second World War in U.S. History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Other challenges encountered were the concentrations of people in weapon manufacturing centers. The influx resulted to strained community resources. The overcrowding of migrants into war material producing centers made them to shelter in substandard woodsheds and in trailer parks with inadequate sanitation facilit ies. This resulted to high prevalence of communicable diseases, including scabies, ringworms, and tuberculosis among others. With the concentration of people in the centers, confrontation arose. Historians have claimed that by 1943, there were almost 250 racial conflicts. Social evils were also on the rise, for example, African Americans roamed in the city attacking police and dragging white passengers off street cars. There were increased criminal activities which also led to a considerable loss of lives at the home front (Schug 142). Families break ups were on the increase. It was estimated that approximately 3 million families separated; it was estimated that 16 families out of 1000 were separated by 1940 with the rate almost doubling to 27 in 1000 families by 1944. More so, the number of unmarried women rose from 73 per 1000 in 1939 to 93 by 1942. There were fears of people getting into marriage as spouses were being sent to battle fields. Birth rates also increased from 2.4 mil lion in 1939 to 3.1 million in 1943. Majority of which were described as â€Å"good bye babies†; who were conceived for family continuation incase the father died at war (Anon 1). Another challenge was increased and rise of social immorality. Much of the immoral behavior that had become rampant was not evident during the peace times. The war period also witnessed increased opportunities for gay affairs, and same-sex relationships; gay communities in cities such as San Francisco became common. Briefly, the war time swapped traditional gender roles where men lost their roles as bread winners in the family. During this time, women worked to feed their families at home whilst most men defended their nation away from the U.S. (Norton et al. 749). It be should be noted that there were also women who were directly involved in the battle field. Importance of World War II in Americans’ History World War II marked a major turning point for the World history. It was one of the ma jor events in the world that should never be repeated. This event marked the importance of teaching the future generations the impact of engaging in war and the many lessons learnt from the mistakes committed.Advertising Looking for research paper on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Knowledge of the World War II helps one to understand how the contemporary society was developed; knowledge necessary in laying the foundation for tomorrow’s generation. Studying history helps the students to become good citizens and to have knowledge of the past events together with lessons learnt from the mistakes committed in the past. In learning about World War II, students understand the impacts of participating in such events. This way, graduates will perfectly suit to the U.S. society and its dynamic requirements from the citizens (World War II 4). The significance of World War II includes the end of dictatorship ruling in Asia and Europe. America would have been surrounded by enemies had Germany and Japan won the war. More so, the era ushered in the Atomic age where peaceful use of atomic and nuclear knowledge became of importance. Most importantly, the war brought up the need for establishing effective world organizations that would help in solving disputes between nations thereby, mitigating future wars re-occurring. This led to the formation of United Nations with the aim of resolving disputes between nations peacefully (United States History 1). Conclusion World War II came to an end with depression in most of the most powerful nations. The war shaped the U.S. history by making it the most dominating country as most of the powerful countries had been ruined economically. The Office of scientific Research and Development led to inventions and improved commodities such as jet engines and other war materials. The war also placed the U.S. among the most powerful nations. However, it is undeniable that World War II was the most expensive war in history. It is estimated that the cost of the war totaled $2 trillion, and the property damage was about $239 billion with the United States spending 10 times than it had spent in the World War I. Works Cited Anon. â€Å"Virginia women and the Second World War.† Library of Virginia, 2011. Web. Ayer s Edward, Gould Lewis, and Oshinsky David. American passages: A history of the United States since 1865. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print. Erdelja, Kresimir. The Second World War: Workbook 4. Teaching Modern Southern European history. New York, NY: Prentice Hall, 2008. Print. Norton et al. A people and a nation: History of United states. Boston, MA: Cengage learning, 2011. Print. Royal Air Force. â€Å"The Second World War 1939-45.† Royal Air Force, 2011. Web. Schug, Mark. United States history: Eyes on the economy through 20th century. New York, NY: National Council for economic education, 1993. Print. Teachers Guide. â€Å"The cold war.† Disney, 2000. Web. The Choices Program. â€Å"Teachers guide for. The fog of war. An Errol Morris Film developed by the choices Program and the critical Oral History Project Watson Institute for international studies.† The Choices Program, 2004. Web. United States History. â€Å"World War II.† United States His tory, 2011. Web. World War II. â€Å"How did World War II affect people around the world?† Teacher Link, 2003. Web. This research paper on Second World War in U.S. History was written and submitted by user Layla Tucker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.