Sunday, May 24, 2020

William Shakespeare s The Globe Theatre - 1114 Words

During the Elizabethan Era, The Globe Theatre was a very influential upcoming piece of architecture that even Shakespeare first had his plays performed in. Although it was very difficult to keep the building standing for long, it inspired many new theatre styles and still lives on today in England. The Globe Theatre was extremely influential during the Elizabethan Era because of its long history, unique architecture, and new ways of acting to go along with the new theatre style. Although the majority of Shakespeare’s plays were first produced in the original Globe Theatre, his plays used to be performed in other forms of amphitheaters, such as halls, inns or open arenas (Cummings). Shakespeare belonged to a company called Chamberlain’s Men. They acted and before The Globe Theatre even existed, they would perform in The Theatre, originally built and owned by James Burbage (Cummings). The Burbage family consisted of James, the father and owner of The Theatre, and Cuthbert Burbage, who was not actor but admired theatre (Cummings). The other son of James Burbage was Robert Burbage, an actor in the Chamberlain’s Men acting company and star of most Shakespearian plays such as Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet (Cummings). In 1597, the land that The Theatre was built on had a lease that was almost up, and Giles Allen, the owner of the land, wished to tear the building down (Pressley). Because of this dispute, The Globe Theatre came into existence. While working very fast,Show MoreRelatedThe Development And Popularity Of The Elizabethan Theatre1289 Words   |  6 Pages The Development and Popularity of the Elizabethan Theatre I. Introduction Hook: What type of entertainment could have been available in the Elizabethan era without actors or tv? A. Elizabethan Era 1. 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